Friday, April 24, 2009

First Beach Trip

I took the pups to the beach for the first time today.  Dasha loved it, as expected, but Diesel was not entirely thrilled.  I think I'll start calling him "old man" as all he really wants to do is stay inside and sleep.  They played in the water and we walked the nature trails.  I had two tired pups when I was done!

(look at that belly!)

Also took them roller blading for the first time this afternoon.  That worked extremely well!  The fast pace tires them out quickly and they seem to enjoy the ability to run.  Now if I could only get people to stop asking me to stop all the time it wouldnt take an hour to do a 15 minute walk. ;) I'm just teasing, it's all fun in the end and it's nice to meet our neighbors.

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