Thursday, June 18, 2009



Animal Walk

I’m very excited to say that I found the absolute most amazing dog park. It’s small, a mere 9 acres, compared to some of the others I’ve researched but it has a swimming pool shaped like a dog bone as well as doggy life guards stationed all around the pool (to keep things in check and ensure everyone is playing nicely.) It was one of the most surreal experiences I have ever had – A sort of doggy Disneyland! We had so much fun.


This isn’t the best picture but it does show the pool. Diesel has sort of a Goofy thing going on with that one ear. The old golden retriever standing in the pool was extremely sweet. It’s neat being able to interact with so many different kinds of dogs.


Dasha loved the pool whereas Diesel loved the other dogs. Here’s Dasha “diving.” She didn’t realize the water at that end was only a foot or so deep.


It didn’t take long before she figured it out and made her way over to the deep end. The pool itself is probably 6 or 8 foot in the deep end.


While Dasha sort of swam alone, Diesel was off hanging out with the big boys. He looks so silly in this photo. He looks enamored with that black lab! I can just imagine him being that little brother who always wants to hang out with his teenage brother’s friends. One day my baby boy will be this big. *sniff*


Tag! You’re it! Dasha finally got into things and started to play with the other dogs. She’s shy but once she gets going it’s hard to slow her down.


Wipe out! Diesel takes a tumble on the 2nd turn.


This dog is a Rhodesian Ridgeback. He really liked Dasha. She didn’t care too much for him. LOL


The park also has about 4 acres of trails that are fenced in meaning that the puppies could play without their leashes. It’s a shame no other dogs were playing here at the time. I’m sure they would have enjoyed running wild through the woods.


Yes, I make my children pose. She looks thrilled doesn’t she? It’s a shame the colors didn’t come out better.


Run! Run! Play! Play!


I think he finally pushed her button! Time to go home and put the kids to bed.

Hope you enjoyed the trip to the park. We plan on going back soon! It’s so much fun!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I haven't updated in awhile.  Not because there hasn't been anything to post about but because there is so much to post about!  The puppies are doing great.  They've learned the sit command and are about 70% on lay.  Dasha picked up on it quickly with her Daddy's training and Diesel still struggles but loves his treats and is learning.  Walking has become a lot more complicated now that they are older.  Dasha likes to bite on Diesel while we walk, making him yelp in pain.  Diesel isn't much for a long walk and tends to start whining about half way through.  Now that they are older they wont stay behind on the skates like before but insist on criss crossing in front of them.  We have a lot to work on but I know that when we get everything bug free it will mean that much more.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


The puppies have graduated from using a harness to walking with just a collar.  They aren’t really all that good at it but we can get around the small block which seems to tucker them out.  Potty training is still rough but they can easily sit on command and we are working to train them to touch a bell for a treat.  Hoping that will transition into touching the bell when they need to go outside based on the suggestion of a training book.  Wish us luck!

Getting Bigger









Friday, April 24, 2009

First Beach Trip

I took the pups to the beach for the first time today.  Dasha loved it, as expected, but Diesel was not entirely thrilled.  I think I'll start calling him "old man" as all he really wants to do is stay inside and sleep.  They played in the water and we walked the nature trails.  I had two tired pups when I was done!

(look at that belly!)

Also took them roller blading for the first time this afternoon.  That worked extremely well!  The fast pace tires them out quickly and they seem to enjoy the ability to run.  Now if I could only get people to stop asking me to stop all the time it wouldnt take an hour to do a 15 minute walk. ;) I'm just teasing, it's all fun in the end and it's nice to meet our neighbors.

Saturday, April 18, 2009



The puppies love nothing more than to spend the day outside sleeping under the swing, playing in the water, or digging in the dirt.  They travel extremely well in the car and have been to petsmart twice now.  They are very well behaved and only a little apprehensive.  I was surprised to find out how much training at petsmart actually costs though and plan to search for alternate trainers before I commit to the store’s training program.  I just don’t feel confident that the teenage girl at petsmart is qualified for such high cost training.  We are talking over 300 dollars just for the basic puppy training course for both dogs.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The puppies spent most of their day lying around napping.  Diesel, at one point, was tired enough that we took them outside and he simply fell asleep on the top of Daddy’s slippers.  It was adorable!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Memory Triggers

The first day the puppies spent the afternoon at my Dad’s house.  We introduced both of them to water and while both took well to it, Dasha definitely made it her home.  She kept returning to the kiddie pool for a second and third dip. 

It was cute watching my Dad interact with the puppies.  The pure joy that they brought to the day was just amazing.  Everyone was having the time of their lives both puppies and people alike.

The puppies ride extremely well in the car and fell asleep in our laps on the ride to and from my Dads.  Diesel rode in Daddy’s lap on the way over and in mine on the way back.  I held him like a newborn with his head resting on my heart while I cupped his little puppy feet in my hands.  I think he could feel me breath because he seemed to rest well.  Dasha slept across the crook of Daddy’s arm on the way back and snuggled up against his chest.  It’s so neat getting to spend time with them at this age.  They have their fair share of mischievous moments but overall they are good natured and listen well.

“Mastering the walk” will definitely take some time.  Whenever we put the leash on them they shut down and decided enough was enough.

Things Dasha loves to do:

  • Chew on her brother
  • Whine (alot!) because she misses her Mama and Daddy
  • Eat leaves and sticks and everything else she can get her mouth on (including old carpet pieces in the backyard!)
  • Bark at the ferrets
  • Grab Diesel by the tail and attempt to pull him around
  • Hang out in the water

Things Diesel loves to do:

  • Chew on his sister!
  • Sleep right on top of us (Diesel tends to want to touch someone at all times when he goes to sleep)
  • Sleep under the couch
  • Grab his toys and hide them anywhere and everywhere he can (He isn’t big on sharing)
  • Chase Ranger (the ferret)
  • Eat leaves and sticks (I think he learned that from Dasha lol)









Easter Weekend






Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bringing the Puppies Home!

It's Saturday, April 11th, 2009 and today we get to bring the puppies home! Their health certificates were completed yesterday and everything is in perfect order. We spent quite a bit of money last night at petsmart buying things needed for the little ones but most of them are one time purchases.

Here's a list of everything we got.
We bought some things we really didn't need but "Daddy" was so excited, I just couldn't resist letting him pick things out.  He so rarely shops and especially with such interest in something.  We also picked up two ceramic food bowls and a water bowl as well as a few toys and a regular black collar for Diesel picked out by Daddy.