Thursday, May 21, 2009

I haven't updated in awhile.  Not because there hasn't been anything to post about but because there is so much to post about!  The puppies are doing great.  They've learned the sit command and are about 70% on lay.  Dasha picked up on it quickly with her Daddy's training and Diesel still struggles but loves his treats and is learning.  Walking has become a lot more complicated now that they are older.  Dasha likes to bite on Diesel while we walk, making him yelp in pain.  Diesel isn't much for a long walk and tends to start whining about half way through.  Now that they are older they wont stay behind on the skates like before but insist on criss crossing in front of them.  We have a lot to work on but I know that when we get everything bug free it will mean that much more.